Wholesale Generator Transmission Interconnections

All Wholesale Generator Distribution Interconnections are governed by SDG&E's Wholesale Distribution Open Access Tariff (WDAT). 

Current and Effective Wholesale Open Access Distribution Tariff (WDAT)
Current and Effective Wholesale Open Access Distribution Tariff (WDAT)

SDG&E Generation Interconnection Request Queue

SDG&E WDAT Interconnection Queue
SDG&E WDAT Interconnection Queue
SDG&E WDAT & Rule 21 Interconnection Queue
SDG&E WDAT & Rule 21 Interconnection Queue

Effective December 18, 2003, this tariff was updated to comply with order of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Docket No. ER03-601-000, and the Small Generator Interconnection Procedures (SGIP) was updated effective August 12, 2005 to comply with order of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Docket No. ER05-1324-01.

Contact Information

Customer Generation
San Diego Gas & Electric
8316 Century Park Court, CP52F
San Diego, CA  92123

Office:  (800) 411-7343

E-mail: DGInquiries@sdge.com(link sends email)